Monday, June 21, 2010

Tuxy's spirit ride leaving Florence to Colorado!

That's Oregon in the background, Tux, we are now in
We promise to show you good times, Tuxy, on our trip back
to brown, hot Colorado. If the weather cooperates.

Leaving Idaho into Utah. Tux needed to enjoy a brief break
from the rainy weather while we needed a different kind of

Devil's Slide on I-84 outside Ogden. Quick,
before my spirit stains from the raindrops.

Utah, foggy and wet.

Leaving Utah and it's pouring. It probably reminds Tux
of his home.

Please don't roll the window down. . . it's tooooo windy and

Are we there yet? Heading into western Wyoming.

No problem Mr. Bear. I'll just wait here for
my friends to keep moving down the road.

I think I'd rather hang here with the pronghorn.

We hope Tux's spirit doesn't get upset with the snow and
cold. Here in Wyoming on I 80 (June 13). What a cold wet trip to

Tux says: "Drink up old people, stay healthier so that
you can visit your pals M&A in Florence again, soon!"

And here Tuxy's spirit will hang with the
grouser longnecks until our next small