Monday, June 15, 2009

What a difference rain makes!

This has been the "greenest" spring we can
in over 10 years.

Our morning walk along the neighborhood

Mushroom" ?
Notice how dry the soil is just one day from heavy rain.

The cactus blooms do not last long.

With the amazing amount of moisture this spring,
the natural grasses have thickened and have
grown to twice
the usual height.

If this is the tamarisk shrub, it certainly was
popular with the honey bees.

Is this the controversial "tamarisk" that the west
is trying
to remove from water sheds?

The yucca were beautiful this year.

By next spring, I hope to learn how to use the flower
mode on this new camera--I hate the glare
on the view screen--the subject cannot be seen!

Decomposed granite--how do these delicate
flowers grow?

The hill was covered with the wild flowers--
after the rains stopped, we only had a day
or two to capture their beauty before
they were gone.