Monday, May 4, 2009

Every ride is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l--GOD made it so.

Ugliest church--ever!

Gotta hurry those thunderheads are building up and moving
this way!

Lazy cormorant sitting on the dam waiting for the fishermen
to reel in their catches.

This is green for the high plains desert around us but it will
get better as the trees leaf-out and the reeds turn green.

Rocky Mountain locoweed in its purest form--white.

Along the bike path at Aurora Resevoir.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Limon ISDE qualifier

How the hell did Albrecht get in front??? Don't follow
him too closely...he falls down and gets lost a lot!!!

Julesburg on a Maico!!

Take a bath every saturday whether you
need it or not!!!

We love mud!!!

Clean Hunkavarnish!