Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bike ride--after the rains

The yucca fields were spectacular.

The reservoir is greening-up nicely. The cormorants are relaxing.

Monday, June 15, 2009

What a difference rain makes!

This has been the "greenest" spring we can
in over 10 years.

Our morning walk along the neighborhood

Mushroom" ?
Notice how dry the soil is just one day from heavy rain.

The cactus blooms do not last long.

With the amazing amount of moisture this spring,
the natural grasses have thickened and have
grown to twice
the usual height.

If this is the tamarisk shrub, it certainly was
popular with the honey bees.

Is this the controversial "tamarisk" that the west
is trying
to remove from water sheds?

The yucca were beautiful this year.

By next spring, I hope to learn how to use the flower
mode on this new camera--I hate the glare
on the view screen--the subject cannot be seen!

Decomposed granite--how do these delicate
flowers grow?

The hill was covered with the wild flowers--
after the rains stopped, we only had a day
or two to capture their beauty before
they were gone.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Colorado plains spring

Need to learn how to focus with this smaller camera--

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mixture of trip to Florence:May 2009

Rocky Mountains--hidden by the wind turbine farms.

Fog in Wy. was dense. Many fields of turbines.

Amtrak--on the WA. side of the
Columbia River Gorge.

Baker City, Oregon-- a a gorgeous place to
spend the night.

Adele demos her carbon fiber walking sticks.

Had to make our first stop the north jetty. Stopped to
see Edith and Charlie but they were not home. Neither
was Ken. Bummer.

So much to miss about the coast.

Flocks of pelicans--finally got the second group. What
a gorgeous day on the beach.

Kathy loves the beach--wind and all.

Kurtie loves being at Woahink--we had it all to ourselves
for a Subway picnic.

Kurtie is just sooo Happy to be on the beach.

Adele recognized us the first day. Enlarge to see
the VW rear taillight.

Just another beautiful day on the Siuslaw River--Coast Guard
going out to practice on the bar but it was perfectly calm.

It's Mr. Men--flashing his cell phone--NOT!

So nice to be inside where it was warmer.

Last day of giggles and breakfast of scones from Sugar Shack,
Reedsport. Thank you Adele and Men for letting us crash
and enjoy your hospitality even though Adele had lost
her voice.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Every ride is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l--GOD made it so.

Ugliest church--ever!

Gotta hurry those thunderheads are building up and moving
this way!

Lazy cormorant sitting on the dam waiting for the fishermen
to reel in their catches.

This is green for the high plains desert around us but it will
get better as the trees leaf-out and the reeds turn green.

Rocky Mountain locoweed in its purest form--white.

Along the bike path at Aurora Resevoir.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Limon ISDE qualifier

How the hell did Albrecht get in front??? Don't follow
him too closely...he falls down and gets lost a lot!!!